Special Video

In business, Facebook is a place where you stay in contact with past clients & friends you want to become clients.  It takes time watering these relationships with daily posts in hopes they grow into repeat business or brand new clients. But did you know Facebook limits those who see your posts to a small number of friends who actively engage with your posts? This leaves out many potential clients who rarley, if ever, see any of your posts & may not even know what you do for a living.  

A compelling video from Birthday Shout with YOU IN IT (Still image of you can be used in place of video) solves this problem because it brings ALL your close and not so close facebook friends out of the shadows with a personalized, fun & engaging video post from you on their special day that compels many to like, comment, & share it. And when they like, comment, & share this ACTIVATES your future daily posts into their news feed, giving you exposure to a wider group of potential clients long after their birthday.   Birthday Shout RECONNECTS you with friends you have lost touch with, builds RELATIONSHIP/REFERRALS, helps RETAIN clients you have worked with & helps people RECOGNIZE what you do for a living. This gives you more opportunities to close sales.

Click the green button for $25 special offer (50% off) for next 50 customers! 

(Note: All birthday shout videos are edited by a professional human video editor for perfect quality)

More Than A Birthday Thing!

NOTE: Special Offer link sent in Messenger